
Migraine headaches are characterized by severe throbbing or pulsing pain, typically on one side of the head. Light and sound sensitivity, as well as nausea and vomiting, are common side effects. When you have a migraine, the pain can last for hours or even days and make it difficult to go about your normal routine.

Some people experience a warning symptom called an aura before or along with the headache. Aura symptoms range from tingling in one side of the face or arm or leg to trouble speaking to flashes of light or blind spots in one’s field of vision.

There are medications that can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. The correct medications, in addition to any self-help remedies and changes in way of life, could be beneficial.

Symptoms Of Migraines

Both children and adults can experience each of the four stages of a migraine: prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome. The four stages of a migraine attack are not necessarily experienced by every person who suffers from the condition.


Migraine triggers can be anticipated by keeping an eye out for subtle changes in your body a day or two beforehand, such as:

  1. Alterations in mood, from sadness to euphoria
  2. Desires for food
  3. Inflexibility in the neck
  4. Constipation
  5. Frequent urination
  6. Retention of Fluids
  7. Prolonged episodes of yawning



Some individuals have an aura just before or during a migraine. Auras are temporary signs of nervous system dysfunction that may be treated. They manifest mostly as visual distortions, but may take on other forms as well. The onset of each symptom is often slow, increases over the course of several minutes, and may linger for up to an hour.

An aura of a migraine headache could look like any of the following.

  1. Observable occurrences, such as the perception of unusual forms, lights, or bolts of light
  2. Loss of sight
  3. Tense as pins and needles pain or tingling in the hands or feet
  4. Face or one side of the body feeling weak or numb
  5. Speech Impairment



If ignored, a migraine may continue anywhere from four to seven days. Migraine frequency varies widely across sufferers. In some cases, migraines occur very occasionally, while in others, they occur many times a month.

Some of the symptoms of a migraine attack include:

  1. In most cases, the pain will be localized to one side of your head, although it may occur on both.
  2. Tense discomfort with occasional throbbing or pulses
  3. heightened sensitivity to sensory input, including but not limited to visual cues, auditory signals, and, in certain cases, tactile sensations
  4. symptoms of nausea and vomiting.



Feeling exhausted, muddled, and washed out might last for up to 24 hours after a migraine episode. People have reported experiencing feelings of elation. A quick movement of the head might temporarily reawaken the discomfort.

How to Know When You Need Medical Attention

  • It is common for migraines to go unidentified as well as left unchecked. If you suffer from migraines on a frequent basis, it is important to document each episode and the steps you took to alleviate the pain. So, go ahead and schedule a visit with your doctor to talk about your frequent headaches.
  • If your headaches start to fluctuate in frequency or intensity, even if you have a history of them, you should consult a doctor.
  • If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, which may suggest a more severe health issue, you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room right away:
  • A pounding, thunderous head pain that comes on suddenly.
  • Headache with fever, stiff neck, disorientation, convulsions, double vision, numbness or paralysis in any region of the body may indicate a stroke.
  • Post-traumatic headache
  • Intense pain in the head that persists over time, especially after doing physical activity such as coughing, sneezing, or making a quick movement.
  • Acute headache onset beyond age 50



Source: mayoclinic.org

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